Speech and language classification in the human phenotype ontology

Communication is essential for both daily living and achieving a successful, fulfilling life. Speech and language skills are governed by extensive and intricate brain networks, making communication disorders common in neurogenetic conditions and even minor disruptions in brain development can lead to these issues. Speech and language difficulties often occur together, but they are separate and distinct abilities. Simply put, speech involves the perception and motor production of sounds, while language encompasses the ability to comprehend and convey messages using vocabulary and grammar, whether spoken or written.

This study was written by Redenlab’s CEO, Professor Adam Vogel along with Angela Morgan, Ben Coleman, Alisdair McNeill, and Peter N Robinson.

This research was conducted in collaboration with The Jackson Laboratory, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI), University of Melbourne, Berlin Institute of Health, and The University of Sheffield.

For more information, please click here.

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